James does not have access to a safe, clean washroom—something most of us take for granted.
A safe washroom: a privilege, or a human right?
Finding a safe indoor washroom is a daily battle for people experiencing homelessness. Over 1,500 Winnipeggers don’t know where they will be able to relieve themselves each day. Dignity is a safe, clean washroom.
All Canadians have the right to relieve themselves in security and with dignity. No person should be denied access to a clean washroom.

A clean washroom, with soap and hot water, helps fight viruses and infection.
We ask people to wash hands to fight COVID-19, but for someone experiencing homelessness that can be an impossible ask.
The accessible “Dignity Washrooms” at Oak Table will include places where people can relieve themselves and enjoy the transformative experience of a hot shower. Everyone walks a little taller when they feel clean and refreshed. Providing a shower and clean clothes is an act of love that provides dignity and lifts the spirits of a person experiencing homelessness.

Oak Table—loving the underloved since 1981
Since 1981, Oak Table has provided hospitality, support and advocacy for those in need of a safe, respectful community. In 2015, Oak Table joined together with 1JustCity to “love the underloved” in our city.
Thanks to generous donors and volunteers, we provide meals and emergency food, clothing, hygiene items, medical care and wellness programs to many thousands of Winnipeggers each year.
The Dignity Washrooms are part of Augustine Centre, a hub for the arts, education, faith and justice in the heart of Osborne Village.